Bath Abbey and Pump Room
Bath Abbey from Parade Gardens
Crescent Curves, Bath
Bright New Day, The Royal Crescent, Bath
Towards Pulteney Bridge, Bath
Bath Bun
Beautiful Bath
Bath Circus
Overlooking the Baths
Parade Gardens and Pulteney Bridge
Pulteney Bridge and Weir, Bath
Pulteney Bridge, Bath
Red Post Box, The Circus, Bath
Relaxing near Bath Abbey, Bath
Roman Baths, Bath
Sally Lunn's, Bath
Summer's Day, Bath
The Circus, Bath
The Royal Crescent, Bath
Bath Rugby
Bath Rugby at the Rec
Diving for the corner at the Rec, Bath
Competing for the ball at the Rec, Bath
Converting a try at the Rec, Bath
A thumping tackle at the Rec, Bath
Bath Rugby Squad
Bath Rugby "Happy Birthday"
Birthday Greetings from Bath Rugby
Match day at the Rec, Bath (landscape)
Bath Rugby toddlers (portrait)
Reach for the Stars at Bath Rugby
Snow never stops Play at the Rec
Footsteps in the snow, Bath Abbey
The Royal Crescent in the snow, Bath
Season's Greetings from Bath Abbey
Bath Abbey and Parade Gardens in the snow